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The caster alters reality to conform to their desires.

Original D&D[]

Alter Reality[]

Dragon Magazine #1 introduced this spell to the Illusionist spell list. Dragon Magazine #12 retained this spell as an illusionist spell, at level 7.

  • Spell Level 7

The caster creates some illusion of their desires, and then casts this spell, which brings the illusion to life, within limited bounds. The illusion cannot grant actual treasure, for instance, and only part of the illusion may come true. The caster may wish to erase an unfortunate adventure, for instance.

The version presented in Dragon Magazine #12 has fewer limitations, creating any alternate reality the caster can envision. The caster may undo an unfortunate event, or get a clue to a powerful item or great treausre, though casters must take caution: the referree may alter reality in such a way as to kill or handicap a character.


Debuted in Supplement 1: Greyhawk, for the magic-user.

  • Spell Level 9

Alters the past, present, or future to cause a wish to come true. The caster may wish to erase an unfortunate adventure, for instance, or may get a clue to a powerful item or great treasure. Wishes must be careful: the referee may grant a wish in such a way as to kill or handicap a character.

AD&D 2e[]


Spell Level: 9 Rarity: Common
Schools (Mage): Conjuration/Summoning, Beggar's Path, Zakharan Sorcerer, Wu Jen
Components: V
Range: Unlimited Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special
Target: Special

This spell fulfills any wish of the caster. It can remove damage, restore the dead to life, or teleport the caster and the party to some other place, without causing the caster any issues. Wishes come true literally, according to the wording of the wish. All wishes age the caster 5 years. Stronger wishes impose a -3 penalty on Strength on the caster and require 2d4 days of bed rest for the caster due to the stresses the spell places on time, space, and the body.

The DM may pervert wishes that would hurt the game's balance -- for instance, wishing a creature dead is likely to be perverted, perhaps advancing the caster in time to a period where the creature is no longer alive, removing the caster from the campaign as a result.
