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Tharzax, the Chattering Prince, is a demon lord of poisonous vermin. He is ruler of Driller's Hives, the 2nd layer of the Abyss.


At least cult of Tharzax was established by a tribe of jungle-dwelling orcs. Its leader was the father of a half-orc druid named Krell Grohlg.[1]

The cultists dedicated a stone altar to Tharzax was aboard the Emperor of the Waves, a derelict sailing ship. It was covered in strange markings, and three human skulls hung mounted above it upon wooden spikes. The altar was surrounded by dried mud in which rubies were left as an offering to the poison lord. The altar was protected by a huge monstrous centipede, which the cultists held as sacred.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Salvage Operation, Dungeon #123 (Jun 2005), p.20-31.