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Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki
Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

Swarm devils are agents and assassins of Baalzebul, the Lord of the Flies, desperately hungry creatures that crowd the tunnels and lakes of his 7th layer of Maladomini awaiting his call so they may feast on flesh and souls.[1]



Swarm devils appear as humanoid-shaped masses of ravenous flies.[2]


Swarm devils are intelligent, but wretchedly voracious and lacking in charisma.[2]


Swarm devils are buzzing masses that swiftly fly and hover across the field (although they cannot move across the ground with any expediency). They are heavily resistant to acid, and mundane attacks are ineffective against them, but they are vulnerable to area-of-effect attacks.[2]

Swarm devils are dangerous to even be near, for even when not slamming their mass at opponents, their slowing, cloying acid burns anyone nearby, and as swarms they can engulf their foes and trail the acid over them. They can scream vile thoughts into the minds of their victims, afflicting them with an acidic and psychic curse, and when significantly harmed they can spew more flies at their enemies. Swarm devils also possess darkvision and telepathy.[2]


Swarm devils are canny combatants that work in concert with their allies, watching for opportunities to aid them by distracting and hindering the enemy so they might sooner consume the dead.[2]


Swarm devils are zealous agents of Baalzebul's will, made so by the mounting of their unsatiated hunger. Errands of death are rare opportunities to fly free and feed, although they consider any creature not in service to Baalzebul to be potential food and will devour both adventurers and solitary devils who have the misfortune of stumbling into their lairs, their preference being for living creatures of flesh and blood. They will ally with any creature Baalzebul demands, commonly including pit fiends and war devils, and will be sent to cults that worship the Lord of the Flies to guard powerful sites or exact revenge on its enemies.[2]

Swarm devils communicate in Supernal.[2]


Swarm devils form when angels caught lying to their masters are torn asunder, after which their souls coalesce in the Nine Hells and become trapped in a mass of flies buzzing around the Lord of the Lies himself. From there the swarm devil moves into one of Maladomini's stangant pools, slowly starving but never dying.

