Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

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Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

The caster speaks a word of power, which wreaks havoc on their foes.

Original D&D

Power Word: Stun

Debuted in Supplement 1: Greyhawk, for the magic-user. Dragon Magazine #12 added this at a lower level for the Illusionist.

  • Spell Level 7 (magic-user) or 6 (Illusoinist)
  • Range 12"

A creature of 35 or less hit points is stunned for 2d6 turns. A creature with 36-70 HP is stunned for 1d6 turns. Creatures with more than 70 HP are immune.

Power Word: Blind

Debuted in Supplement 1: Greyhawk, for the magic-user. Dragon Magazine #12 added this at a lower level for the Illusionist.

  • Spell Level 8 (magic-user) or 6 (Illusionist)
  • Range 12"

A creature of 40 or less hit points is blinded for 2d4 days. A creature with 41-80 HP is blinded for 1d4 days. Creatures with more than 80 HP are immune.

Power Word: Kill

Debuted in Supplement 1: Greyhawk, for the magic-user.

  • Spell Level 9
  • Range 12"

A creature of 50 or less hit points is instantly killed. Creatures with more than 50 hp are immune.
