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Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

Data for future use[]

Assembled for future upgrades to Template:Polyhedron. Some notes on the dates, though:

  • The first three issues (when it was titled RPGA News) are explicitly given publication dates on the cover.
  • Issues 4 through 38 don't provide any publication dates; all we know is it was bi-monthly, and certain issues at least seem aimed at certain months. Complicating things further, there were apparently serious publication delays by 1987, per Polyhedron #50 (and also referenced in said 1987 issues). It seems pretty certain that issue #4 (the first one to actually be called Polyhedron, or rather "The Polyhedron") was released in 1982, since the previous issue was for Winter 1981-1982... and also pretty certain issue #38 was released in 1987, since #39 was for January-February 1988... but beyond that it's not clear. I had to skim each issue to determine a likely release year, usually relying on copyrights for the material inside, but I admit issues that are either late or early in a given year I'm still not 100% positive on. There are lists online that claim more precise publication dates, but I'm not sure if any are accurate (since they generally assume a regular publication schedule during this period and disagree when they do account for delays). I could also see stripping dates entirely from this run, honestly...
  • Starting with issue 39, they have publication dates on the cover again, which seem generally reliable (though there was an obvious error with issue #124).
  • The "Introductory Issue" (sometimes referred to as issue "A" online) was apparently published in 1989 (based on references in issue #49).
  • Issue "GC1" was a special release at Gen Con in August 1999. JEB1981 (talk) 01:46, 21 September 2020 (UTC)