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Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

Learns the location of a particular familiar object.

Original D&D[]

Debuted in Men & Magic, for the magic-user and the cleric. Anti-clerics can also cast this spell. Dragon Magazine #12 presented this spell on the Illusionist list.

  • Spell Level 2 (magic-user, illusionist) or 3 (cleric, anti-cleric)
  • Range 6" + 1"/level (magic-user) or 9" + 1"/level (cleric, anti-cleric)

The caster learns the direction of (but not the distance to) some well-known item (the caster must know its coloring, dimensions, etc.), or some common structure (a flight of stairs leading up, for instance).


Locate Object[]

Debuted in the Player's Handbook as a spell for clerics and magic-users. Further information is given in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Locate object spell


Level: 3 School: Divination
Components: V, S, M (a piece of lodestone)
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area: 6" + 1"/level

Discerns the direction of a familiar object. The caster turns, and knows when they are facing the object, if the object is within the spell's area. The spell can find clothing, jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons, ladders, stairways, etc.

DM's Advice: In order for this spell to reveal a general class of object, the object should be readily identifiable -- ie, trying to find a staircase would only reveal recognizable staircase, and not, say, a stack of crates that could be used as a staircase. To find a familiar object, the caster must have a precise image of the object -- if a particular crown is meant to be found, but the caster mis-remembers the jewels in it, the spell won't be able to find the intended item. The spell won't let the caster just find any item they desire.


Obscures an objects location from detection by a spell or scrying (such as from a crystal ball).


Level: 2 School: Divination
Components: V, S, M (a piece of lodestone)
Range: 0 Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area: 2"/level

Discerns the direction of a familiar object. The caster turns, and knows when they are facing the object, if the object is within the spell's area. The spell can find clothing, jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons, ladders, stairways, etc.

DM's Advice: In order for this spell to reveal a general class of object, the object should be readily identifiable -- ie, trying to find a staircase would only reveal recognizable staircase, and not, say, a stack of crates that could be used as a staircase. To find a familiar object, the caster must have a precise image of the object -- if a particular crown is meant to be found, but the caster mis-remembers the jewels in it, the spell won't be able to find the intended item. The spell won't let the caster just find any item they desire.


Obscures an objects location from detection by a spell or scrying (such as from a crystal ball).
