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Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

Lead devils are the elite hellforged devils, leaden soldiers amongst the most feared enforcers of the Nine Hells.[1]


Lead devils have humanoid bodies made of lead, smooth, muscular but entirely featureless forms — even their faces are blank. [1]


Lead devils are ponderous in thought, but intelligent beings, and particularly skilled and relentless trackers.[1]


Lead devils are as slow in movement as they are in thought, although they do possess the ability to tunnel. However, what they lack in speed they compensate for with raw strength; it is said that can easily punch through stone walls, and they can grapple creatures as powerful as titans. After grappling an opponent, they could use dimension door to transport them and their captives somewhere within 500 feet and within sight (although the foe's mental resistance can prevent either from being moved). Lead devils are immune to both cold and fire.[1]


Lead devils crush their foes with their fists, focusing on battering a single, powerful enemy into submission. If given a specific target to capture they ignore all other enemies, smashing through barriers and leaping over obstructions to reach them before attempting to pin them down and teleport away.[1]


When the Dukes of Hell want a target taken alive but a band of obsidian devils lack the power or subtlety to do the job, a lead devil is dispatched to handle it.[1] The creatures are known to direct the efforts of sand devils.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Dragon #306 (Apr 2003), p.36.
  2. Dragon #306 (Apr 2003), p.37-38.