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Copper dragons are a type of a metallic dragon.[4][7]


Copper dragons have short faces, with features that included cheek ridges that pointed backwards, as well as frills on the back of their lower jaws. Their long segmented horns start as smooth brow plates above their eyes that extended backwards. From their chins, layers of triangular blades grow downward, becoming more numerous as they age. Combined together, those features give copper dragons a pensive look. As they age, their pupils fade away until their eyes acquire an appearance of glowing turquoise.[1][8]

Their wings are manta-like, mottled with red and green discolorations near the end. They are supported at the front by relatively short articulated alar limbs that give them a characteristic U shape when viewed from below, as well as spines that ran the wings' length to the back, at an angle from the backbone.[8]

Newly hatched copper dragons have brown scales with a metallic tint, which grew coppery and glossy in color as the dragon aged. The scales of very old copper dragons acquired a green shavee.[1][8]

Copper dragons give off a stony scent.[8]

A dragon egg can be identified as belonging to a copper by the gold flecks seen when held in front of an intense white light, though it shared this trait with bronze dragons—the former have many tiny spots, the latter have fewer, bigger spots.[9]


Copper dragons have two separate breath weapons. The first is a line of powerful acid, and the second is a cone of gas that slowed anyone within it.[4]


File:Copper dragon anatomy - Richard Sardinha.jpg

A review of copper dragon anatomy.

Copper dragons are usually even-tempered and sociable. They are well known for playing pranks and telling jokes and riddles. They enjoy a good joke, riddle, funny story, or any form of good humor or wit, but become annoyed if someone didn't laugh at a joke that they made or take their pranks well. These habits made them especially fond of bards, and they appreciated their company enough that they are sometimes willing to set aside a temporary separate space for them in their lairs so they might provide entertainment.[1]

However, they could also be greedy, envious, and stingy, and particularly dangerous when their treasure hoards are at threat. Nevertheless, good companionship is just as much a treasure to them.[1]


A copper dragon's lair is usually found in rocky, dry uplands and hilltops, created inside narrow caverns within them. False walls could be created by the dragon in the lair to hide secret chambers and their most treasured items. Other things that are worthless to the copper dragon are placed away from the main hoard in order to tease treasure-seekers. In their main hoard, copper dragons kept precious ores, artworks, and curios that they have accumulated over their long lifetimes.[1]




True dragons
Metallic dragons GoldSilverBronzeCopperBrassMercuryMithralNickelOriumPlatinum
Ferrous dragons ChromiumCobaltElectrumIronNickelSteelTungsten
Chromatic dragons BlackWhiteBlueGreenRedBrownGrayOrangePinkPurpleDeepRainbowSaltYellow
Gem dragons AmberAmethystBeljurilEmeraldJacinthJadeMoonstoneSapphirePearlTopazCrystalObsidianRuby
Lung dragons Chiang lung ⟨River dragon⟩ • Li lung ⟨Earth dragon⟩ • Lung wang ⟨Sea dragon⟩ • Pan lung ⟨Coiled dragon⟩ • Shen lung ⟨Spirit dragon⟩ • T'ien lung ⟨Celestial dragon⟩ • Tun mi lung ⟨Typhoon dragon⟩ • Yu lung ⟨Carp dragon⟩
Planar dragons AdamantineArborealAstralAxialBattleBeastBlazewyrmBlightChaosCholeConcordantDeathmaskEctoplasmicElysianEtherealFrostforged wyrmGloomHellfire wyrmHowlingMirageOceanusPactPyroclasticRadiantRustShadowStyxTarterianWretch
Arcane dragons HexTome
Spelljamming dragons Moon/lunarStar/celestialSun/solar
Epic dragons ForcePrismaticTime
Catastrophic dragons AvalancheBlizzardEarthquakeTornadoTyphoonWildfireVolcanic
Miscellaneous true dragons Abyssal drakeAlbino wyrmAquaticCerilianCloudCobraCoinDzalmusGreyhawkHawkdragonIncarnumJabberwockMistNightPaperPhaseRattelyrSandScintillatingSeaSongStellarStoneSunwyrmVishap
Dragon psychoses NamelessRaveningRiddledSpellhoardingWandering
Draconic transformations AirAscendantBrainstealerHidecarvedElder brain
Lesser dragons
Elemental drakes AirEarthFireWaterIceMagmaOozeSmoke
Felldrakes CrestedHornedSpittingSpiked
Greater drakes ArsalonBarautha ⟨Spitting drake⟩ • Ermalkankari ⟨Stone drake⟩ • KavainusMardallond ⟨Mead drake⟩ • RetchenbeastRivilithisTrilligarg ⟨Chameleon drake⟩ • Vallochar ⟨Web drake⟩ • Vandalraug
Miscellaneous drakes AmbushBlack firedrakeCrystalDemonGlacierdrakGravewyrmDragonneGuardFaerieMindPortalRageShadowSpaceStormVultureWyvern
Dragonets AmphitereCommon dragonetCrow's-nestDrakenFaerieFiredrakeGeyserIce LizardKodragonMinidragonMolePavillionPseudodragon
Landwyrms DesertForestHillJungleMountainPlainsSwampTundraUnderdark
Linnorms Corpse tearerDreadFlameForestFrostGrayLandRainSeaSwampStygian
Wurms CaveForestGrasslandHillLavaMountainRiverSandSeaStormSwampTundra
Miscellaneous lesser dragons Dragon eelDragon tortoiseDragon turtleDragonnelDweomervoreHatori (Tylor) • IbrandlinRock wyrmScalamagdrionSea serpentSea wyrmSsvaklorSunwyrmVelrocWyvern
Related creatures
Dragonbloods Draconic creatureDragonborn of BahamutDragonspawnHalf-dragon (Drow-dragon (shadow)Drow-dragon (deep)) • Kobold (DragonwroughtUrd) • WeredragonZar'ithraZekyl
Hybrid monsters DracimeraDracoliskMantidrakeWyvern drake
Undead dragons DracolichDragonwightGhastGhostGhostlyGhoulGuardianHoarderMummySkeletalSpectreRathreaVampiricWightWrathZombie
Miscellaneous related creatures AbishaiDraconDraconianDracohydraDracosphinxDracotaurDragonbornDragonkinFire dragonFume drakeGargouilleHai RiyoKrolliLesser CetusMantidrakePleudaSirrushSsvaklorVishapUkuyatangi ⟨Jungle Hydra⟩